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  • Opportunities for bilingual teachers in the post pandemic era - New PGCE China Programme helps address career bottleneck
    15 六月 20212021/06/15

    Opportunities for bilingual teachers in the post pandemic era后疫情时代中国双语教师的机遇

    Recently, Eurus Consulting, a professional firm focusing on education personnel services, compiled a report on the trends of bilingual teachers in Chi...

  • The Motivation Mystery - nine ways lead to Active Learning
    14 三月 20212021/03/14

    The Motivation Mystery - Nine Methods to Encourage Active Learning揭秘孩子们学习的内驱力 - 主动学习的九大制胜法则

    How could a parent promote learning when their child appears disinterested and unengaged? How should teachers and parents work together to encourage a...

  • Crossing the Threshold: Enhancing opportunities for practical enquiry in school science through threshold concepts
    28 二月 20212021/02/28

    Enhancing opportunities for practical enquiry in school science through threshold concepts打通学科教学中的“任督二脉”---阈值概念 (Threshold Concepts)

    Written by | Mark Deacon Edited by|BISE Threshold concepts are gateway concepts which once mastered offer routes to understanding other ideas. The...

  • Understanding The Complexities of Developing Beginning-Teacher Knowledge in a Partnership Setting
    02 二月 20212021/02/02

    Develop beginning-teacher knowledge in a partnership setting with university通过学校与高校的合作建立新教师的“知识库”

    More and more bilingual schools have established partnerships with universities in order to create or improve their initial teachers training system...

  • Importance of Training Quality Mentors for ITT
    04 一月 20212021/01/04

    Importance of Training Quality Mentors for ITT导师在新手教师培训中的重要性

    The writer for this article is Tracey Smith, Head of Primary School Teacher Training from the Faculty of Education, University of Buckingham. The Un...

  • Transforming Trauma in Classrooms
    11 十二月 20202020/12/11

    Transforming Trauma in Classrooms经典摘录|教师如何引导学生面对人类共同经历的创伤?

    We are living in such an era with so many uncertainties and changes that we need to expand the understanding of 'trauma'. In some sense,...

Buckingham International School of Education - Training Teachers Across The World

白金汉大学国际教育学院 - 培养面向世界的教师