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Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD)



Start date

3 years

Course duration


Course Fees







Course information

The EdD programme at Buckingham brings together an exciting international research community. Our Doctoral Programme in Education promotes and endorses the highest level of knowledge, skills and experiences of leaders in schools and education in the belief that this recognition will impact significantly on practice. An EdD is at the same level as a PhD. Like a PhD the EdD requires students to make a unique contribution to knowledge. A distinguishing element of an EdD is that it is also required to ensure your study results in a tangible impact on practice.  This is because the EdD is a practitioner/professional doctorate which means that it is designed for professionals working in Education and that the focus of study should be on the nature of Educational practice.

Every student attends an Induction Programme and then is allocated two personal supervisors. You have a main supervisor who will be a critical friend through the process, and you will have approximately 12 hours of supervision each year. Students are supported by webinars and by two study days in November and another two study days in April. You are expected to attend these for the first three years. The online support guides you through some of the key elements of completing a doctorate, for example, research methodology, engaging with literature and philosophical frameworks.

The doctorate:

  • Can be completed in 3-6 years part-time
  • Involves itself in the professional practice of educational practitioners
  • Can be achieved by the creation of a portfolio or a traditional thesis
  • Has a highly competitive course fee
  • Is available completely online

Course content

The University of Buckingham EdD is appropriate for experienced practitioners and postgraduate students who already hold an MA or equivalent. Doing a doctorate is likely to be one of the most intellectually challenging experiences of your professional career. Despite its challenges it is hoped that you will also find the experience hugely rewarding. The programme aims to enable those working in education to develop expertise through critical evaluation of research and scholarship in their chosen field of interest. Students will develop skills that allow them to critically analyse, engage in and reflect on educational issues. Whilst the intensity of the doctorate might seem daunting, the programme is designed for students to be able to complete study alongside their work in education.  Students will contribute to wider debate on education and reflect on the implications of their study for educators and learners. The expectation is that on average you will spend 15 hours a week studying.  This takes into account time spent with you supervisor, study days as well as your own independent research, reading and study.

We offer two routes to achieving the EdD at Buckingham:

  1. a traditional thesis; or
  2. a portfolio route

The choice of route will be decided in discussion with your supervisors.

Many people will be familiar with the structure of the doctoral thesis; it is a pathway that encompasses a review of literature followed by the pursuit of a research project and as the EdD is a professional thesis, this would also include an evaluation of the implications for practice that the work would have within a particular educational context. A thesis consists of a continuous narrative, divided up into chapters that form a whole. Each chapter contributes to the main idea and builds a logical sustained argument cumulatively from start to end.

By comparison a doctorate by submission of a professional portfolio reflects on a particular area of focus and interest through the production of a collection of different papers that together form a whole.  If you have already published articles and documents of different kinds, then the portfolio may be suitable for you.

It is important to recognise that both require the same level of academic rigour. A thesis is an extended piece of research that presents an argument supported by evidence and reference to relevant research. For the portfolio, it is the overriding argument that binds the varied contents of the portfolio together through use of linking documents. Both pathways also require an ability to be critical both in terms of one’s own position and also in the further development of your own critical voice when encountering a range of alternative views. Both pathways will also contribute something unique and original to your existing knowledge. Originality may lie in the discovery or collection of material never before used; or it may lie in a new approach to more familiar material.  Your progress with this work will be assessed at regular stages to determine your suitability to continue on the course.

Assessment for a doctorate is by the presentation of a 60,000 word thesis or portfolio that is examined by viva voce.

Entry requirements

To apply for this course, you must have:

  • an Honours Degree or equivalent and a Master's Degree
  • at least three years' experience as a practitioner in Education



  1st Year

 Total cost

Apr 2024

Part-time (3 Years)



Sep 2024

Part-time (3 Years)



Applicants must also pay a £300 non-refundable Registration Fee.

How to apply

Applicants are required to complete an application form (available via the 'Apply' button above) and to provide a doctoral proposal. On application, you will receive a form to be completed. This requires you to consider:

  • the focus (topic) of your research and/or evidence (e.g. leadership, curriculum development, etc.)
  • an introduction to existing literature reflecting your focus
  • how at this point you think you will carry out the work
  • the impact you feel this could have on educational practice
  • your motivations for carrying out this work at this time and an introduction to your own educational context.

Your application will be assessed against a number of different criteria. These include:

  • the suitability of your topic as one that has the ability to be developed at this level
  • your ability to communicate effectively in English
  • the way in which your area of interest relates to your own professional experience and background
  • your academic record to date.

These applications will be reviewed and every applicant will then be interviewed by the Course Director. Applicants should have a focus linked to their professional remit and provide evidence that significantly contributes to the application of knowledge that is relevant locally, nationally and internationally.

Before being able to join us, you will need to supply:

  • copy of your degree certificate
  • copy of your Masters certificate
  • copy of your passport photo page (and visa/work permit where necessary)
  • head and shoulder style photo for your University identity card

The closing date for applications: 

 17 February 2024 for April 2024 entry

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教育专业博士学位(EdD)跟学术博士学位(PhD)是同等水平的。跟PhD一样,EdD也要求学生能够为新知识的发现做出贡献, 而EdD的不同之处在于,需要确保学习成果能够对实践产生明确的影响。这是因为EdD是一个针对实践者/专业人士的博士项目,换句话说,是专门为在教育领域工作的职业人士而量身定制的,其学习的重点理应侧重教育实践。



  • 可在3-6年内兼读完成
  • 与教育工作者的教育实践高度相关
  • 可通过论文集(portfolio)或传统的博士论文(thesis)完成学业
  • 课程学费极具市场竞争力
  • 完全通过线上的方式完成









两个路径都要求学生在碰到不同观点时,保持对于自己所处环境偏见的敏感性并努力发展自己的批判性观点。 两个路径都要求对现有观点贡献与众不同和原创的新发现。原创性既可以来此与从未应用过的材料的发现和搜集,也可以来自与对于现有材料的新的研究方法。学校将对学生的研究进行规律的测评以确保你继续该项研究的适当性。




  • 荣誉学士学位或同等学位和硕士学位
  • 教育行业三年(含)以上的从业经验





£5,150 £15,450







请点击页面底部的“申请”,或者联系招生官 [email protected]开始申请。


  • 研究主题及/或研究材料(比如领导力、课程开发等)
  • 有关该主题的现有文献介绍
  • 计划如何开展研究
  • 该项研究对与教育实践的意义
  • 开展该项研究的目的以及本人教育背景的介绍


  • 是否有能力开展并完成该研究
  • 是否有能力使用英语有效沟通
  • 研究兴趣是否与职业经历和背景相关联
  • 过往学术成绩



  • 学士学位证复印件
  • 硕士学位证复印件
  • 护照照片页复印件(如需要,另请提供相关签证/工作许可页面复印件)
  • 用于大学学生证的证件照


  • 2024年4月入学:2024年2月17日

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