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International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS)



Start date

37 weeks

Course duration


Course fees







Course information

Enquire Apply

Entry requirements

Your background

  1. You must have a university bachelor’s degree from a UK university or equivalents; ENIC-NARIC provides advice on comparability. We will need to see your original degree certificate.
  2. You must have the equivalent of a UK GCSE grade 4 in mathematics. If you are teaching pupils aged 5-11 you also need a GCSE grade 4 in science or a science. If you do not have an equivalent qualification you will be asked to sit a proficiency test. To check your qualifications meet the standard of a UK GCSE, refer to UK ENIC, where you can apply for a statement of comparability.
  3. You must have good written and spoken English. This means you completed some of your education in English OR you achieve an IELTS score 6.5 OR you pass our own English language test. Read further information about language requirements.
  4. You must pass child protection/safeguarding/ criminal record checks. If you have lived in the UK you will need to apply for an International Child Protection Certificate
  5. You must have the health and physical capacity to teach
  6. If you are teaching now, you should be able to provide evidence of your professional standing as a teacher
  7. You must pass an online interview with staff from the University of Buckingham
  8. You must have access to a reliable computer
  9. You must be teaching within one of the following age phases (you do not have to teach children of all ages within any phase):
    • Ages 3-11 = primary
    • Ages 11-19 = secondary route

Your school

  1. You must be employed in a school as a teacher. You must be in school for a minimum of 120 days in the year.
  2. That school must be happy to support you doing the iQTS course and must be happy to recommend you.
  3. Your school must be able to provide an experienced member of staff in the school to act as your mentor, observing your lessons, providing feedback and discussing the weekly tasks set by the University of Buckingham. This will take 2-3 hours a week.
  4. Your school should be able to provide written confirmation that they have carried out safeguarding/ child protection checks and that you have been deemed suitable to work with children.
  5. If you do not have any evidence of prior experience in another school setting, your school must be willing to support you in gaining a minimum of 10 days experience in another school setting by the end of the course.


Applicants who fulfil the criteria for entry onto the University of Buckingham's iQTS course will be invited for interview. During the interview, applicants will asked questions about the international teacher standards, subject knowledge and their suitability to teach. Successful candidates will be sent a conditional offer which will include a successful School Placement Approval Meeting between university and their school and any outstanding documents.


Applicants must pay a £300 non-refundable Registration Fee.

iQTS: £8,000
PGCE add-on: £600

Fees are invoiced at the beginning of the course but instalments can be arranged directly with the Finance department upon receipt of the invoice.

How to apply

Please click the APPLY button to submit your application. The course will start in Sep 2024. APPLY BY: 28 June 2024

Should you have any further questions, please contact our admissions officer Tracy at [email protected]

Enquire Apply


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  1. 我们有长达15年的向英国境外提供教师培训的历史及经验。每年有来自40多个不同的国家学员选择我们的课程。
  2. 我们的授课教师有丰富的海外学校授课经验,他们曾任职于包括塞拉利昂、尼日利亚、中国、阿联酋等多个海外国家,同时拥有英国本土的授课经验。
  3. 您将拥有一位来自于白金汉大学的导师,大学导师将在课程期间与学员和校本导师保持线上沟通。在第一个学期,大学导师更将拜访您所在的学校,提供实地指导。
  4. 如果您拥有6.5分以上的雅思成绩或大学认可的其他考试的同等水平成绩,您还可以同时学习教师资格研究生证书课程(PGCE),为您后续进阶硕士、博士奠定良好的基础。选择附加PGCE项目需支付一定额外费用。


本课程每年9月开课,是一个为期37周的课程项目。课程基于校本实践,面向已经在学校任职的教师展开。在项目开展期间,学员在校本导师(Mentor, 由在职学校任命)的指导下展开学习,每周接受辅导,查看进展情况并设定目标。







  • 8月22日星期四(开课培训)9:00-15:00
  • 8月23日星期五(开课培训)9:00-15:00
  • 9月5日 8.30 - 11.30am
  • 9月12日 8.30 - 11.30am
  • 9月19日  8.30 - 11.30am
  • 9月26日 1.30– 5.30pm
  • 10月3日 8.30 - 11.30am
  • 10 月 10 日 1.30– 5.30pm
  • 10月17日 8.30 - 11.30am
  • 11月7日 1.30– 5.30pm
  • 11月14日 8.30 - 11.30am
  • 11月21日  8.30 - 11.30am
  • 11月28日 1.30– 5.30pm

  • 1月9日  8.30 - 11.30am
  • 1月16日 1.30– 5.30pm
  • 1月23日 8.30 - 11.30am
  • 1月30 日 1.30– 5.30pm
  • 2月6日 8.30 - 11.30am
  • 2月27日  8.30 - 11.30am
  • 3月6日  8.30 - 11.30am
  • 3月13日  8.30 - 11.30am
  • 3月20日 8.30 - 11.30am
  • 5月22日  7.00 – 1.00pm


• 您的校本导师会安排对您的课程进行持续的观察和评估,帮助您每周逐步提高。
• 您将在在线学习系统上记录教学相关材料以实证教学进展。
• 您的白金汉大学导师将与您每学期至少一次地进行在线会议,以评估您的学习进度、并指导您的后续发展。



• 拥有能够完成高学术水平写作的良好的英语学术写作能力
• 项目要求学员完成 2-3 篇小学术论文的写作
• 成功完成 PGCE 项目后可以继续攻读硕士学位,并减免学分



  1. 您必须拥有英国大学的学士学位或同等学历。如果您的学位并不是由英国大学授予,您还需向ENIC-NARIC机构申请学历对标认证(Statement of Comparability)。ENIC系统要求申请人上传学位证书及成绩单等文件,并支付相应费用。
  2. 您需要提供英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)的数学等级为C/4级或以上(或同等水平证书)。如果教授对象为5-11 岁的学生,还需要提供同等的科学课成绩证明。
  3. 您必须有很好的英语口语水平和写作水平。这意味着,您或者在高等教育阶段使用英语作为学习语言或拥有6.5分以上的雅思成绩或大学可接受的其他考试的同等成绩。
  4. 您必须通过儿童保护/安全/无犯罪记录证明。如果你曾去过英国,你则需要申请国际儿童保护证书(International Child Protection Certificate)。
  5. 您拥有良好的身体素质和心理素质以进行教学。
  6. 如果您正在教书,您需要提供您教职岗位信息及相关证明文件。
  7. 您需要通过与白金汉大学代表的在线面试。
  8. 您需要拥有电脑和网络。
  9. 您必须在以下任一年龄段教书(申请人不必教授该阶段内所有年龄的孩子):
    5-11岁 = 小学阶段
    11-19岁 = 初高中阶段


  1. 您必须受雇于学校并担任教师。您一年中必须至少在校120天。
  2. 您所在的学校支持您学习 iQTS 课程,并愿意向大学推荐您。
  3. 您的学校必须能够提供一位经验丰富的教师作为您的校本导师,旁听您的课程,提供反馈并一起讨论白金汉大学设定的每周阅读和反思任务。这将需要花费这位导师每周 2-3 小时的时间。
  4. 您的学校能够提供书面文件,证明他们对您进行过安全/儿童保护检查,并认为您适合从事儿童教育工作。
  5. 如果您无法提供曾在现就职学校外的其他学校就职过,您的学校需要提供说明支持您在课程结束前在另一所学校工作至少10天。




申请人必须支付 300 英镑的不可退还的注册费。


叠加教师资格研究生证书课程(PGCE)费用: £600



请点击"申请"按钮提交您的申请。课程将于2024年9月开始。申请截止日期: 2024年6月28日(周五)

如有申请人在截止日期前无法提交部分证明文书,请联系[email protected]以确认最后的宽限时间。

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