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This is an eighteen-month online course starting every January is worth 180 credits.
Mentoring in Education has been the subject of debate for a number of years and recent developments in schools, teacher training and universities have made it even more important to examine what makes an effective mentor.
From September 2024 all schools are required to have trained Mentors to monitor teacher trainees in schools. Already Mentors need to be able to apply the Early Careers’ Framework (ECF) process to their Newly Qualified Teachers. These processes require good mentors. Whilst ITT and ECF mentoring will be covered, this course delves much more deeply into the thought processes and critical thinking needed to make an excellent mentor. This will culminate in a 12,000-15,000 word research project dissertation on an aspect of mentoring. Students will be able to critically analyse, engage in and reflect on mentoring and evaluate the implications for their own educational setting. They will be expected to develop their ability to explore what it means to be a critically reflective practitioner in their work as a mentor.
Teaching and assessment
Every student is allocated a supervisor. You will regularly communicate for example, via Teams, Zoom, Email or another online meeting platform with your supervisor at times that are suitable for you both, to support each module. You will also have access to regular online study sessions throughout the course.
There are induction sessions to introduce you to how the course will run – on application you will receive a choice of dates where you will indicate when you will attend.
When the course start you will have access to MOODLE, the University’s online learning platform and from there you will access the course handbook and all resources needed for successful completion of the course. In the handbook there is a week by week guide which will indicate what work is expected that week. This will either be:
- A recorded film to watch
- A reading
- Independent study towards a module
- A Twilight session which will be live, but recorded and shared on Moodle after the date. These Twilights are optional in terms of attendance as we know that many people struggle to be available at certain times. However, all these sessions are recorded and should then be watched after the live event. This means that as you progress through the course you end up having access to library of videos that you can re-visit, to support you to a successful outcome.
It is important to understand that you, as a Master’s Level student, will be expected to work independently and you are expected to fully engage with the guidance provided to complete the required modules.
Assessment is carried out through written assignments and evidence-based practice in mentoring recorded through the completion of course documentation tracking application to practice. Assistance is given throughout the course regarding the expectations of writing at Master’s level.
Who should take this course?
- Teachers in the UK and internationally
- Current mentors on ITT programmes
- Mentors in SCITTs
- Anyone mentoring in an education setting
This work-based online course comprises of four x 30 credit modules at Level 7 that will include covering all aspects of the Mentoring. Looking at Mentoring Standards will be combined with rigorous academic study at Master’s level, evaluating and critiquing a range of academic research relating to mentoring and relating to leadership skills and behaviours, integrating research with practice throughout. Students will be able to critically analyse, engage in and reflect on mentoring and evaluate the implications for their own educational setting. They will be expected to develop their ability to explore what it means to be a critically reflective practitioner in their work as a mentor.
Module 1: Introduction to Mentoring Theory (30 credits)
The first of the four modules in the Diploma introduces students to a range of theories relating to mentoring in education. Another aim is to combine the practical needs of mentoring in education with a wide range of scholarship on this topic.
Module 2: A Research Based Approach to Mentoring (30 credits)
This module builds upon the first module and focuses on existing research to understand how theory is implemented in practice. Building upon the theory and models explored in the previous module these topics aim to synthesise theory with their own experience. This module focused on developing further the skills required for effective mentoring.
Module 3 Critical reflections on Mentoring (30 credits)
This module enables students to critically reflect on their own practice and critically engage with research in the light of their own experience and context. This brings together the review of mentoring standards with the intellectual rigour of Master’s level writing. This module focuses on an extended assignment with guidance to develop appropriate evaluative skills.
Module 4: The Wider Context of Mentoring (30 credits)
The final module brings together the preceding modules, develops the implications of topics already raised, for example, dealing with difficult situations by examining complexity. There is also an opportunity to evaluate different research models of effective mentoring and places this in a wider context. The arguments surrounding mentoring and coaching are considered. The role of mentoring in an educational context are evaluated and the implications for leadership. Comparisons are also made between mentoring in education with different examples of mentoring. What can education learn from different contexts, e.g. business, psychology?
Module 5: Research Methodology and a Dissertation (60 credits)
This module is for all Masters students to be able to develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of a particular area of interest in the context of educational research. Through completing this module students gain knowledge of the research process itself and the ability to evaluate other research projects in a specific field. Once this has been undertaken students devise and carry out their own small-scale research project with guidance from the University and specifically their supervisor. Students engage with the topic of research methodology and through this process develop their own critical skills as reflective practitioners. This module introduces students to some of the complexities and challenges of engaging in educational research. The written assignment for this module is 12,000 – 15,000 words.
“The PG Dip in Mentoring is a fascinating course and extremely beneficial for developing practical skills with mentoring as well as engaging with relevant, cutting-edge academic research. The Buckingham course is one of the only courses of its kind, focussing exclusively on developing mentoring. The course leader and the lecturers are experts in their field and each online seminar has been a pleasure to attend. I have enjoyed the course so much that I intend to go on to complete the MA in mentoring when I have completed the PGDip. I cannot recommend this course highly enough for middle managers and senior leaders who want to enhance their skills in this important area of education.” – Mr P Bray, Director of Studies at New Hall School
“The course has been a real eye opener. At first, I was worried. I hadn’t written essays for about seven years and had quite a bit of help that time round. However, throughout the course, there has never been a question to silly and all the lecturers have been more than happy to provide their time, above and beyond their allocation. The essay clinics were a great help and strangely enjoyable.” – Mr Craig Nevard, Head of D and T, Wycombe High School