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MA in Inclusive Educational Leadership



Start date

21 Months

Course duration


Course fees







Course information

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This programme consists of work at Level 7 that will enable those teachers holding a NASENCO qualification (with Level 7 credits) to progress to a MA (Masters) qualification. The programme aims to enable teachers to develop their leadership competency through critical evaluation of research and scholarship and to integrate this with their own practice. Students will be able to analyse, engage in and reflect on these educational issues and on the implications for their own educational setting. All students will complete one module about inclusion best practice before carrying out a research project for the dissertation in Module 2.

The course is accredited by The University of Buckingham and all students are members of the University from the start of the course. Module 1 is delivered by Inclusion Expert, a nationally renowned provider of courses in pastoral care, together with lecturers from the University of Buckingham. Lecturers from Inclusion Expert will be Daniel Sobel and Abigail Hawkins. Between them, they have supported many thousands of schools and SENCOs and this is their idea to help SENCOs advance either within the world of SEN or to utilise what they have gained to move on to other fields. They will both be regularly lecturing on the course and so you will have the opportunity to learn from two of the most experienced advanced Inclusion trainers in the world. Their work with you will focus on issues such as:

  • Managing and Leading all different types of stakeholders
  • Helping schools to deal with complex and entrenched cases
  • Helping schools to deal with challenging parents
  • Training all staff to be fully inclusive
  • Cultural and organisational inclusive leadership

Module 2, the dissertation, is delivered by The University of Buckingham.

On successful completion of your course, you will be eligible to apply to become a Senior Fellow of the International Forum of Inclusion Practitioners. This is a recognition of your advanced knowledge and capabilities and dedication to building a more inclusive world. You will benefit from this by:

  • Being invited to participate in international inclusion events all over the world by lecturing, publishing, facilitating groups and the like
  • You will be invited to attend events such as the Global Inclusive Schools Summit at UNESCO HQ in Paris
  • You will be invited to help and train practitioners across the developing world
  • You will be invited to participate in higher level events aimed at providing guidance and advice for governments

The course is 100% online. At every stage students have their own supervisor.

Entry requirements

To be eligible for this programme, applicants must:

  • have the national NASENCO qualification.
  • be employed in a school.


Tuition fee: £8,000
Registration Fee: £300 (non-refundable)

Fees are invoiced at the beginning of the course and can be paid in two instalments or in one lump sum. Instalments can be arranged directly with the Finance department upon receipt of the invoice.

How to apply

Before we can accept you, you will need to supply:

  • a copy of your passport photo page,
  • a copy of your degree certificate,
  • a head and shoulder style photo for your University identity card.

Apply by 12 July 2024.

Please use the ‘Apply Now’ button at the bottom of this page; or contact our admissions officer Tracy Yang at [email protected]

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该项目帮助已经持有了英国国家特殊教育协调员(NASENCO)证书的学生进一步攻读硕士学位。项目旨在通过深刻研习现有的相关研究和理论,以及将理论与自身实践相结合来提高学生的领导力。项目学习后,学生将能够分析、深入了解并反思相关教育议题及其对自身所处的教育环境的影响。 所有学生在完成模块一针对现有全纳教育实践的学习的基础上,开始自己毕业论文的相关研究。

该课程由英国白金汉大学授予证书。 模块一由英国知名的全纳教育课程提供商 Inclusion Expert与白金汉大学的讲师共同授课。Inclusion Expert方的负责老师是极富经验的全纳教育培训师Daniel Sobel 和Abigail Hawkins。他们曾为数以千计的学校和特殊教育协调员提供技术支持和服务。“特殊教育协调员应该或在自己的领域里更进一步,或运用自己所知所学进军其他领域”,这个理念最初就是由他们二位提出的。他们的课程将重点关注如下方面:

  • 管理和引领所有不同类型的利益相关者
  • 帮助学校处理复杂和棘手的个案
  • 帮助学校实现更好的家校沟通
  • 培养全校的全纳教育视角
  • 培养文化和组织包容性



  • 受邀通过演讲、出版、培训等方式参与世界各地的国际全纳教育活动
  • 您将受邀参加位于巴黎的国际教科文组织总部举行的全球全纳学校峰会等活动
  • 您将受邀帮助和培训发展中国家的从业者
  • 您将受邀参加更高级别的活动,旨在为政府提供全纳教育领域的指导和建议

该课程是 100% 在线的。 在每个阶段,学生都有自己的大学指导老师。



  • 持有英国国家特殊教育协调员证
  • 在学校任职







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